Category: DEI


How to create a sustainable structure for organisational change

25 May 2022 by Paul Van Zanten
What kind of structure is needed for the successful integration of diversity, equity and an inclusive culture? In our first article, we started the discussion with an introduction to the growing need for DEI. Our second article brought forth the need of a strong and Inclusive leader.  Here, we will...

How to overcome the fluency gap: when you don’t speak a language well enough to explain yourself

24 May 2022 by Paul Van Zanten
You may know it: one of those moments in a meeting when you want to make a suggestion, but you don’t speak the language well enough to explain your idea. We call this a fluency gap. Mastering a language fluently A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. Does this sound...

Do you have all the traits of an inclusive leader? A guide for managing diversity, equity and inclusive cultures.

2 May 2022 by Paul Van Zanten
What kind of leader is needed to implement an Inclusive Culture? In this second article on diversity, equity and inclusive cultures (DEI), we will explore leadership at all levels of an organisation. Various personality traits and skills that are well suited to enabling DEI, will be analysed to create an...

Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Cultures In a Changing World

31 March 2022 by Paul Van Zanten
Adapt now or risk your competitive edge This is the first of four articles from our 4-part series on DEI or diversity, equity and Inclusive cultures. These articles will offer insights into the benefits of DEII while providing strategies that will guide an organisation towards understanding the growing need for...

Interview with Harald Kruithof: “Diversity is energy”

1 March 2022 by Language Partners
Language Partners has been helping to bridge fluency gaps for more than 50 years. Increasingly, we have been receiving requests for training related to cultural awareness, diversity, inclusive culture and connection. We have now responded to this demand… in the form of a new offering under our new label Mazi...

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